Family & Friends Supporter - $550
Annual fee to cover residents & nonresidents at the address at the time of service. Only residents at the address will also have coverage within the district and must be named along with payment.
How it works to participate in MVCSD Voluntary Revenue Plan (VRP)
- MVCSD will collect funds throughout the year via the VRP that will be deposited into the General Fund for MVCSD.
- MVCSD will need to collect Name(s), Address as well as email or phone number for follow up contact when processing payments.
- Annual enrollment in VPR will cover 12 calendar months; the month payment is received will begin the first month of the 12 months.
- A supporter of the VRP will be able to request MVCSD waive any balance post insurance payments received for no-fault services that occur at their home or within the district.